TF Mobile ID

The mobile phone application TF Mobile ID with mobile application TF Mobile ID you can use your smart phone instead of a classic RFID card or tag to get access to the building.The application TF Mobile ID is tied to the unique number of your mobile phone (IMEI)

Free ID
Offers basic level of security between application and the RFID reader. If the RFID reader supports Free ID, it is possible to use it immediately after downloading the application free of charge. The number of possible Free ID users is limited according to the device. Good example of Free ID application is a family house.

Standard ID
Most common identity type with robustness security of the data transfer and it solves possible issue with limited number of Free ID identities. For example, if more than five users are needed in case of RFID reader WRE, you can ask for Standard ID.

Bussines ID
Supports the highest level of security with so called localization, where the identity is tied to exact buildings. This identity cannot be used with the readers, which aren’t installed in dedicated objects. Good example is hotel, apartments. There can be several identity types together in one application, per one smart phone.



  • Manual, PDF document, 943 kB